Contact the Texas SAR Chapter Secretary with questions!
Payable by mid-December annually, unless you've chosen the Perpetual option. Check it out as the Perpetual fee was revised slightly downward a few years back. Otherwise, dues are payable by mid-December via Texas SAR online or U.S. mail. But a late payment is better than no payment!
Texas SAR Online Dues & Donations payments are simple. Your National Society SAR member number and either a PayPal or Credit Card is required. Note: Each chapter may have their own dues rate, they are not all the same. Be sure to select the primary chapter for the coming new year! The payment total will include the National Society, Texas Society and Chapter portions. Other payment options are available, including Dual Chapters, Special Membership Categories, Unrestricted Donations and Specific Award programs. One payment should handle all your needs.
After your fees are identified and when you continue for the actual payment, PayPal and Credit Card options are available. Note payments after Nov. 1st are credited for the following year. Please don't wait until next year to make your payment, please complete your dues payment by mid-December!
If you experience a browser error about Popup Blockers, then follow the simple online instructions to disable your browser Popup Blocker prior to utilizing the Texas SAR online payment form. Once your dues are complete, then re-enable your Popup Blocker as you may desire.
Texas SAR Dues Invoices are available to print for mailing of a check. To use the Dues Invoice, access the Texas SAR private site, Members tab and select Dues Invoices. Your National Society SAR member number and printer access is required. Contact a chapter officer for more instructions on private site access and features.
This will make and print a Dues Invoice specifically for you and will automatically select your primary chapter of record. Use the Texas SAR Online Dues & Donations above without continuing to completion to inquire of dual chapter rates. The top section is for your records, the bottom section is for mailing. Add primary/dual chapters to both sections as needed. As always, please revise your contact information, make your intentions clear, and mail the invoice & check to the address indicated.
Note payments after Nov. 1st are credited for the following year. Please don't wait until next year to make your payment, please complete your dues payment by mid-December!
Contact the new local Texas Society Chapter Secretary to assist with transfers. As always, please revise your current contact information and make your intentions clear.
The NSSAR Transfer Membership Application 0919 form is used for Out of State transfers of members in good standing into any Texas Society Chapter. In other words, you are current in another SAR state and wish to transfer your primary membership to a Texas Society SAR Chapter and dismiss your prior state membership.
Since your other state membership is current, only the Texas Society and Chapter fees are necessary. Contact your new Texas Chapter secretary to assist with this form. He will state your needed fee and will ask you to:
The NSSAR Reinstatement Transfer Application 0918 form is used for Out of State transfers of members NOT in good standing into any Texas Society Chapter. In other words, you are not current in another SAR state and wish to transfer your primary membership to a Texas Society SAR Chapter and dismiss your prior state membership.
For reinstatement, National Society, Texas Society and Chapter fees are necessary. Contact your new Texas Chapter secretary to assist with this form. He will state your needed fee and will ask you to:
The Texas SAR Online Member Chapter Change Request form is used for Chapter changes within the Texas Society SAR of members in good standing into any Texas Society Chapter. To use it, access the Texas SAR private site, Members tab and select Member Chapter Change Request Form. Contact a new chapter officer for more instructions on private site access and features.
Your National Society SAR member number is required. Fill out the form selecting both the chapter you wish to leave and the chapter you wish to transfer to. This will be your new primary chapter and indicated as such on your next Texas SAR Dues invoice in the fall. Some chapters request a copy of your approved SAR Application record copy. If so, a $10 fee can be avoided if you already have that record copy. Otherwise, only new chapter fees are necessary and they can be paid by the Society Dues methods above or give a check payable to Texas SAR to the new Texas Chapter Secretary for him to handle your Texas Chapter transfer.
Either of the Texas SAR Society Dues payment methods above can be used for Chapter changes within the Texas Society SAR of members NOT in good standing into any Texas Society Chapter. In other words, pay your National Society, Texas Society and new Chapter dues and you will be reinstated. Some chapters request a copy of your approved SAR Application record copy. If so, a $10 fee can be avoided if you already have that record copy. Or give a check payable to Texas SAR to the new Texas Chapter Secretary for him to handle your reinstatment and Texas Chapter transfer.
Registrar General, NSSAR – sar.org Officers – 809 W. Main St, Louisville, KY 40202
NSSAR State Societies – Email a State SAR Contact
Texas SAR State Officers – texassar.org/officers.htm
Texas SAR Chapter Contacts – texassar.org/chapters.htm